Disability in Policing conference marks DPA’s 10th Anniversary

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary this year, the Disabled Police Association, in conjunction with the NPCC will be holding our Disability in Policing National Conference in Coventry on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th September 2022.

Guest speakers include Rosie Cooper MP, Rhian Davies from Disability Wales, Dame Lynne Owens (ex Head of the NCA), Alexis Poole (NPCC Lead for Neurodiversity) and our very own President, Simon Nelson, as well others with a personal knowledge of different conditions.

The theme ‘Conversations with Confidence’ supports our ongoing work with police forces and stakeholders to ensure the fair treatment and inclusion for disabled, injured officers and staff who have long-term conditions. Our Association works particularly hard to ensure that it is the ability of disabled officers and staff which is recognised, rather than perceived limitations, supporting confidence to talk about disability without fear of saying the wrong thing.

The event aims to provide support and advice to Forces on how networks can assist, showcase good practice in relation to supporting officers and staff with disabilities, and explore the barriers in relation to self-declaration and intersectionality. Our committee members will also be on hand to take part in Q&A’s and drop-in sessions.

The conference is open to all police officers, staff, volunteers and CJS staff. To book a place, visit the website dipconference.uk, contact your Force’s Disability Support Network, or contact us directly (using the General option and quoting your work email address). ∎